What a beautiful day! Hard to beleive it's Nov 5th! I feel like this year has just flown by! I guess that's what happens when you have a bitty baby! E was born in February, and time has just sped by since then.
Mom had her bone scan today. I guess we wait until Monday for the results. As fast as time has been going, you know it's going to like stand still now. Crazy how that works. Thank you for all the prayers. They are very much appreciated.
So, I know the title of this blog says handling it... today didn't feel that way. You know how there's just some of those days where your on the edge of a breakdown and you're not sure why. It's not that something particular happened or there was something new to worry about. Maybe it just all came to a head today. Whatever it was, it wasn't fun. I was able to switch up my routine at work a little and that helped. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. How could it not, it's friday! I get to wear jeans! Hey, it's the small things right!
I absolutely have to get that dinosaur done tomorrow. I've been getting so caught up in the evenings I haven't worked on it like I should have been. We had some people over this evening and then I made dinner... I was asleep on the couch with both kids on me, wide awake, by 8pm. We finally got them to bed and now it's gonna be lights out for Mommy and Daddy in a few minutes. 6:30 comes WAY too early!
Again, thank you for the prayers for my momma, and thank you for taking a few minutes to listen to my story! Any positive feedback would be greatly appreciated :)
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