Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The price you pay...

Over the last 3 days all the 6 year old has wanted to watch is "Santa Clause is Coming to Town".  I am going to lose my mind!  Not only is it annoying to watch any movie 88457 times in a row, but there are some crazy songs. Songs that should not be on a children's movie  
"If you sit on my lap today
A kiss a toy is the price you'll pay
When you tell what you wish for --
In a whisper
Be prepared to pay.
If you sit on my lap today
A kiss a toy is the price you'll pay
When you sit on my left knee
Don't be stingy
Be prepared to pay"
What the crap is that??  Now we're walking around with these songs stuck in our heads, just praying the words don't accidentally come out out loud for fear the wrong person will hear. 
Now the kiddos have passed out and I'm in need of an escape... and by that I mean I ice cream!!!

I had been standing in front of the treat freezers at the store and just couldn't decide... then this gem jumped right out at me. It was like it was meant to be. This is crazy good!  It truly is an escape. Warning, it's a tad pricey, but well worth it.  I had just gotten some birthday money, so it was a treat to me :) 

Mom has her last radiation tomorrow! She sounds a little better everyday.  Soon she should be able to get her chemo plan and really kick this in the you know what.   

I feel like I had more to talk about but between the talk of delicious frozen amazingness and a Santa who thinks you need to "pay" for toys I've completely lost my train of thought. Probably doesn't help that I'm totally distracted watching Tourgasm and wishing I could be that funny! 
Oh, and I've also decided to put a title on this one... don't get too excited, I can't guarantee it will happen every time haha!!

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